
Tolkien Society

The Tolkien Society is home ground for 'those who would wander with friends in Middle-earth'.
The Tolkien Society was founded in 1969 with the purpose of further the interest and education in the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Three national events are held annually: the annual general meeting (during which committee members are elected and the running of the Society is discussed)and dinner; the seminar (Tolkien-themed talks and a visit around the hosting city); and Oxonmoot ("Let's meet in Oxford in September", a variety of events and streams including talks, an art show, banquet and the Enyalië Remembrance ceremony). The Society also publishes the bulletin Amon Hen and the journal Mallorn
The Society is based in the United Kingdom, and is registered a charity (number 273809).
> TolkienSociety.org

Within the Society there are local groups called Smials, after hobbit homes. Here both members and non-members gather to be sociable, talk about Tolkien's works and anything else that interests them and arrange outings of mutual interest. Smials are one of the social lifelines of the Society. ('About the Tolkien Socity', Tolkien Society)
1) Burrow, underground dwelling of hobbits; esp. of a large complex of tunnels inhabited by the well-off (e.g. Great Smials). From OE smygel, burrow (cf. Sméagol) being author’s translation of Hobbitish trân (cf. Rohirric trahan). 2) Local group or branch of the Tolkien Society (by association with a minimum of two TS members.)

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