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So ... what is a smial?
A smial is a group affiliated with the UK Tolkien Society which meets locally or for certain specific reasons. There are postal and cyberspace smials too. For some more info on what a smial is, check out the Tolkien Society or our About page.

Have there been smials in Toronto before?
There was something like a smial a few years ago, but it faded away (we hope we can find some of these members again!). We're hoping that we can keep in touch, chat, and study together by meeting with each other and through the wonders cyberspace: this blog and the our Facebook group.

What will the smial do?
Well, we'll study together, talk about all things related to LOTR / Tolkien / the Inklings, and we'll have some cozy and interesting moots (get-togethers).
We get together to celebrate things like the Tolkien Toast and Tolkien Reading Day. We also have a Facebook group, to share news, planning events, and general discussion, when we can't do it in person.

Do I need to be a member of the Tolkien Society?
Nope, not at all. If you are, that's wonderful but it's not necessary. You don't need to be an 'old hand' at Tolkien, or a scholar or professional Ranger or anything either. Everyone is welcome to join the moot!

Is there a fee to join Wellinghall??
Currently there is no membership fee.

Is this your website?
We are Ents who love to wander. Along with this blog to announce upcoming events and recap past ones, we can also be found
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/wellinghallsmial
On Twitter: www.twitter.com/Wellinghallians
On Middle-earth Network: mymiddle-earth.net/groups/wellighall-smial/

Are there other Tolkien Society smials in Canada?
Yes, according to the Tolkien Society's smial listing there are two other smials in Canada located in British Columbia, and another in Ontario, in Thunder Bay. Hey, if we're lucky, we'll be able to have some cross-country smial pals!

If your question isn't here, post it in the coments below or send it to us over at our facebook page, twitter account, the Middle-earth Network group, or through email. (How's that for hasty behaviour?)


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